Birth Story Listening
If there's a part of your birth story that you're struggling to overcome, our guided listening session can help you process and reframe how you view this experience. This appointment-only Birth Story Listening session provides a safe space for you to work through your emotions and come out feeling more empowered and in control.
At all of our childbirth classes, we provide a supportive and caring environment where you can learn and prepare for the incredible journey of parenthood. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to feel confident and empowered throughout the birthing process.

What is Birth Story Listening?
Everyone who has gone though a life changing event will have moments in which they will question what happened to - or for - them during the experience. A few examples ... "I wish I (they) could have done… ," or "It would have been better this way...," and "If only I have made this choice or done that…" It may be small or it could be something that replays in your mind over and over.
When you are asked about your story, it can easily change based on who you are sharing the story with. You will tell certain friends or family all the details while leaving out upsetting or surprising information to other people. Most people will listen, give advice or amp up the injustice that has just occurred to you. All well meaning, and loving, but it doesn’t change your thoughts or feelings about the experience.
Birth Story Listening is a gift to anyone who has had a baby. Once becoming a parent, it is hard enough to find a moment to pee alone, much less a moment to process the journey you have just taken. We will take one moment of all the moments in your journey to becoming a parent and help you process it.
A birth story listener is an active listener who can help navigate what you are telling yourself - because that moment happened - and then guide you to see your story in another way. If there is something you are still struggling with, schedule a session, it may be just what you need.